Alain Braux nutritional therapy food allergies dietary healing desert gluten free fresh healthy

cherries, a mortar & pestle, and a bit of mint a tomato garlic more garlic lemon basil

Francoise and Jack Pointeau

October 23, 2009

My wife Françoise and I have been counting Alain Braux among our friends for many years. From “Maître Patissier” trained in Paris under the supervision of one the best among the bests in the pastry field, Mr. LeNôtre, Alain is now an acclaimed Holistic Nutritherapist Counselor and Macrobiotic Counselor in Austin, Texas.

He is extremely knowledgeable and his advices are always valuable. His seminar on how to lower your cholesterol with healthy gourmet food is simply an amazing example on how we can keep our arteries and our heart in good shape while appreciating a great treat at lunch and supper times.

Alain can show you how Mother Nature provides all necessary ingredients. Alain’s passion is to help each and everyone of us enjoy good meals while staying healthy.

Best wishes Alain

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